No Trains No Planes
Title: | No Trains No Planes | |
Release Year: | 1999 | |
IMDB: | IMDb | |
TMDB: | TMDB | |
Runtime: | 105 | |
Language: | nl | |
Rating: | ||
Overview (TMDB): | The film takes place in a small cafe on the forecourt. When Gerard, one of the regular visitors, appears in the cafe to inform him that he is leaving, the usual course of the cafe's life suddenly breaks. |
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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Schuurman has one scene approximately two thirds through the movie, where she lights a cigarette behind the bar [while] acting rebellious. She doesn't inhale and her dad takes it out of her mouth when she wants to drag again. Later on there's a scene where you can see her take a hit from a joint in a car but it's long distance and the lighting's bad. Ellen ten Damme smokes almost continuously [during] the first half of the movie, and incidentally in the second half. She doesn't inhale however and often the cutting is done so you don't see her actually smoke. This woman is a lot like Jennifer Tilly, always flirting with cigarettes, but not willing to really smoke. |