Celebrities with smoking scenes
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Around 8 scenes for Bettis, but the smoking is not very good. She's a nonsmoker at the beginning, but a guy she likes gets her to try smoking a cigarette. So the first lightup is obviously awkward, she just puffs as he tries to light the cig. Not much of any inhale. He then gives her his pack of cigs so she can keep practicing. 2nd scene, she dangles as he lights her cig, drag, no exhale. 2 scenes around the middle of the movie where she dangles a cig, but never lights it. Next, there's a lightup in her bedroom, takes an awkward drag and coughs out the smoke. Another drag, maybe inhaled, and a quick exhale. Next scene is intercut with other parts of the movie. It shows better looking drags, but the exhales are extremely poor. Immediately following is a scene where she's smoking outside by a tree. A couple drags and again, poor exhales. In addition to the poor smoking, the way she holds and lets go of the cigs as she inhales is quite awkward, almost exagerratedly so, and is another example of her poor technique. Also, they dressed her down a little for the movie, so she doesn't look that great. On the other hand, Faris looks pretty hot. About a third into the movie, Faris takes the pack of cigs from Bettis and puts one in her mouth, but never lights. In the last smoking scene, there's a closeup from behind of most of a full exhale. Then it cuts to the front and shows the end of an exhale. Probably IRL. |