Perfect Strangers
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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(57:00) Jurors are visiting the crime scene. Ginger takes a man aside, saying he needs a little campaigning. When they sit together on a bench, she says, "I'd rather have a cigarette." She takes one from his gold case, taps twice, accepts a light, nice puckered exhale - all the while wearing nice white gloves. |
Smokes in 4 scenes early on in the movie. First has an inhale with an invisible exhale. 2nd scene at a bar has 1 inhale, 2 lightups and an exhale. 3rd scene in long shot outside with a couple drags. Last scene has a lightup and exhale. In a deleted scene, the bar scenes are repeated, but there is an additional inhale/exhale and the 2nd lightup is shown at a different angle, letting you catch a nice profile exhale. |