Pennies from Heaven
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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Bernadette has three scenes in the film worth mentioning: The first takes place in a diner, in which she lights up and shrewdly exhales through her nose. A few minutes later, in the scene inside the record store, Bernadette pulls out a cigarettes and fumbles with it in her hand, never to be lighted. In the third scene, Bernadette is sitting in front of a mirror in a tight black bra she barely seems to fit all into; as she's finishing up her 'harlot makeup' takes a quick drag but it is out of the shot, and we only see her 'puff out' (not inhale) the smoke immediately once she turns her head.... don't go out of your way to find this film for Bernadette's mediocre smoking unless you're a diehard fan... Concerning IRL status, from the viewing of the film I would guess the actress to be nothing more than a casual smoker. |