Our Hidden Lives
Title: | Our Hidden Lives | |
Release Year: | 2005 | |
IMDB: | IMDb | |
TMDB: | TMDB | |
Runtime: | 75 | |
Language: | en | |
Rating: | ||
Overview (TMDB): | Based on the best-selling book by award-winning writer Simon Garfield, four stories from Britain's 'lost decade' (1945 - 1955) are presented from the diaries of four very distinct people. In his book, Garfield selected some of the most expressive diarists, and focused on the post-war years giving a vivid portrait of how Britain coped in the post-war years and how little, or how much, attitudes have changed over the past 60 years. The stories touch on homosexuality, single women making their way in life post-war and a housewife handling the less than welcome return of her husband. |
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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In her role as a diarist during the months of austerity in the UK immediately after the end of WW2, Parish smokes in eight different scenes. She recounts a list of everyday items in short supply, with cigarettes being mentioned twice, indicating their importance to her. Mostly she uses tailor-made cigarettes, but is at one stage reduced to rolling her own. The character is portrayed as a dedicated smoker, coughing as she reaches over to light yet another Craven A: 'I calculate that I spend %18 a year on a habit bad for my health that I cannot break - because I don't want to.' Given prices at the time, that equates to consumption of a mere 20-a-day |