Midnight Blue

Title: Midnight Blue
Release Year: 1997
Runtime: 94
Language: en
Overview (TMDB): Shortly before he moves from New York to Los Angeles a banker visits his Atlanta branch. One evening he is propositioned, by a high-class call girl. Their night of passion leaves him besotted, but he is unable to find her again even with the help of a private investigator. In L.A. he is introduced to his boss's wife and is sure she is his lady of the night. But she insists she isn't.
Celebrities with smoking scenes
Profile Picture
At least one, brief scene. A drag, a cutaway, then an exhale, playing a call-girl picking up a customer.
Celeb Index: A (390) | B (811) | C (665) | D (438) | E (149) | F (344) | G (469) | H (524) | I (37) | J (176) | K (372) | L (537) | M (814) | N (172) | O (136) | P (457) | Q (22) | R (486) | S (813) | T (327) | U (19) | V (132) | W (426) | Y (52) | Z (64)
Media Index: ¡ (1) | . (3) | ' (9) | % (33) | ` (1) | $ (3) | 0 (3) | 1 (30) | 2 (26) | 3 (15) | 4 (14) | 5 (8) | 6 (1) | 7 (6) | 8 (9) | 9 (4) | A (501) | B (740) | C (727) | D (651) | E (254) | F (436) | G (394) | H (526) | I (327) | J (192) | K (186) | L (558) | M (744) | N (308) | O (201) | P (540) | Q (43) | R (407) | S (1133) | T (559) | U (141) | V (163) | W (401) | X (9) | Y (77) | Z (48)