Meng xing xue wei ting
Title: | Meng xing xue wei ting | |
Release Year: | 1991 | |
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Overview (TMDB): |
Celebrities with smoking scenes
Profile Picture

Sibelle Hu smokes frequently in this Hong Kong action film and Moon smokes once. Hu is quite competent, although the smoking isn't glamorous - sometimes she just dangles, unlit, and when she does smoke, it's mostly seen in brief shots. Dark side fans might enjoy a couple of scenes in which she smokes while firing guns. Moon Lee fans may particularly like the final scene, in which Hu offers Lee a cigarette after the two of them have killed some bad guys and spared the life of one (and seem to be about to be arrested). Although Lee hasn't smoked before in the film (or in any other of the action films I've seen her in, if memory serves), she takes one hard drag on the cigarette and exhales quickly but pretty well. |