Celebrities with smoking scenes
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Aim%e, as an exotic dancer, has several scenes scattered throughout, including lightings, dangles, and one scene with a long holder. Labourdette, an attractive 40-ish blonde, and her young teen daughter have an after-dinner smoke in one scene, after mom says to the offer 'I don't smoke -- well, just this once,' and daughter impulsively takes one as well. That neither inhales is not surprising, but that Aimee doesn't appear to either is a major disappointment. Several minor characters smoke throughout as well, again with a lack of inhales. |
The story resembles Marlene Dietrich's _Blue Angel_ -- respectable older man falls for slutty cabaret performer -- and Sukowa, as the singer, bears at least some facial resemblance to Dietrich. She's also an accomplished smoker, as she shows in 3 extended scenes, in a club, in a parked car at night, and in front of her dressing table. All have lightups and plenty of drags and thick exhales, mostly well lit. She dangles a while after lighting up in one scene and also talks out some exhales. Some more closeups would have been nice, especially in the dressing-table scene, but this is definitely worth checking out. There's some smoking here and there by actresses in lesser roles, as well. |