The Legend of Lylah Clare
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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A movie's movie for smoking fetishists. Three lovely ladies, three distinctive smoking styles. Falk smokes in most of her early scenes, dragging constantly and displaying a nose exhale or two. Carroll is a Hollywood P.R. gal, who always makes sure her cigarette is in a holder. She must be spending a lot of time with the starlets, because she smokes with great verve and glamour. And the lovely Kim Novak plays an ingenue actress who has to smoke in a scene while driving. She's unaccustomed to smoking, so she just mimes unlit. But she later turns into a femme fatale seductress and smokes provocatively and expertly in front of a vanity mirror, where we see her from a 3/4 profile. In addition there's a sophisticated extra smoking in the near background at the Hollywood Brown Derby. All in all an amazing find. I'm surprised no one's uncovered it 'til now. |