A Good Night to Die

Title: A Good Night to Die
Release Year: 2003
Runtime: 100
Language: it
Overview (TMDB): One day in the life of a hit man, Ronnie, who spends it trying to save the life of fellow hit man, August, who he had brought into the business three years ago. August has become a real problem for some of the bosses around town, and Ronnie will soon find out just what his Frankenstein's monster will cost him.
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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She's very lovely, and has scene where she takes a voracious drag, then opens her mouth wide and lets out a long, slow, thick, exhale, with sound effects. Okay, it's a joint, but it's still nice.
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Media Index: ¡ (1) | . (3) | ' (9) | % (33) | ` (1) | $ (3) | 0 (3) | 1 (30) | 2 (26) | 3 (15) | 4 (14) | 5 (8) | 6 (1) | 7 (6) | 8 (9) | 9 (4) | A (500) | B (740) | C (727) | D (651) | E (254) | F (436) | G (394) | H (526) | I (327) | J (192) | K (186) | L (558) | M (744) | N (308) | O (201) | P (540) | Q (43) | R (407) | S (1133) | T (559) | U (141) | V (163) | W (401) | X (9) | Y (77) | Z (48)