Emploi du temps, L'
Title: | Emploi du temps, L' | |
Release Year: | 2001 | |
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Overview (TMDB): |
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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Two scenes. In the first, she is moving about the house in a matter-of-fact kind of way, smoking a cigarette, in front of her young children. Not the kind of thing we're treated to in American movies! There are two drags, but the camera cuts away midway through the second. The first exhale is visible, nice but not spectacular. In the second scene, she gets out of bed in the middle of the night when her husband comes home. They sit on the couch and he lights a cigarette. She takes it from him and takes a couple of very nice drags -- very sexy -- before handing it back. Disappointingly, the lighting is such that the exhales are not visible. |