Down with Love
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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In Down With Love there are a few note worthy scenes. 1) In one scene, at the conclusion of an innuendo phone sex (filmed split screen) between Ewan McGregor (Catcher Block) and Renee Zellweger (Barbara Novak), they both take a drag on a cigarette and exhale. Renee looked awfully cute taking that drag off of a cork-tip cigarette, and it looked like a real drag, but her exhale was a CGI effect (the smoke she exhaled was used as an editing transition to the next shot). 2) Renee Zellweger's (Barbara Novak) editor and best friend in the film, Sarah Paulson (Vikki Hiller), is a chain smoker and has many great scenes. What is great about this character is that it's a comment/throwback to the smoking and glamor that we used to get in films in the 50's/60's. Vikki Hiller is the glamorous, sucsessful independent women that these films all had, and her elevator scene early on the film is a classic. Sarah Paulson is extremely attractive and she looks IRL. She smokes cork-tips in DWL. 3) In a scene where a beat-neck party is thrown, there are many 'beat neck' actresses in the background who are smoking. A great pause and slow-mo scene for the future DVD. Makes you wonder if when casting, they asked for attractive 'smoking' extras, or if the extras were asked to smoke in the scene, regardless if they are IRL smokers or not? |