Celebrities with smoking scenes
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Ridiculous to almost comic proportions of how many times Carradine was close to smoking without actually doing so. Right at the beginning, dangles unlit, but a man blows out her match. About an hour in, dangles unlit again, but her mother (Rose) takes the cig away before she can light. Carradine returns the favor shortly after, taking an unlit cig out of her mother's lips before she can light up. A little later, Carradine is about to light up again, only to have her teenage daughter throw it in a glass of water. Then she buys some cigs from a machine and packs it against her hand, but never takes one out. This is topped off with 2 brief scenes near the end of the movie where Carradine finally has a lit cigarette, but all she does is hold. In that second to last scene, Rose takes the cig from Carradine and does have an inhale/exhale, but she's old. Hayward slightly makes up for all this by performing a beautiful french inhale, with 2 nice exhales, about halfway in. |