Cauchemars naissent la nuit, Les
Title: | Cauchemars naissent la nuit, Les | |
Release Year: | 1970 | |
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Overview (TMDB): |
Celebrities with smoking scenes
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Giacobine is a gorgeous blonde who has three scenes in which she looks exquisite lighting, holding and dragging, but the thick smoke she blows slowly out to the side is uninhaled. Lorys plays a stripper who drags several times on-stage as part of her act. Does it well, too, and looks IRL, but unfortunately the background obscures most of the smoke except in one exhale filmed in a straight-on shot. Soledad Miranda holds on the back of the DVD box but barely appears in the film and doesn't smoke. A winner if you don't mind Giacobine not inhaling, a bit disappointing if you do. |