Aline Weber
Name: | Aline Weber | |
Status | Alive | |
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IMDB: | ||
TMDB: | TMDB | |
Smoking Status: | Unknown | |
Type of Celebrity: | Actor | |
Rating: | ||
Homepage | ||
TMDB Popularity | 0.001 | |
Biography (TMDB): |
A Single Man
[Moore], smoking long pink cigarettes (I never saw any of those in 1962, which is when the film is set), takes numerous inhales but doesn't exhale much. A beautiful young blonde actress [Weber] has lots of sensuous inhales and exhales in her two or three scenes... There is also ambient smoking, especially in a flashback sequence outside a dancehall in which many young women are exhaling cigarette smoke. There's enough good smoking in this film to make it worthwhile. |
Media Index:
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