Susan Travers

Name: Susan Travers
Status Alive
Age: 87 (February 18, 1938)
Smoking Status: Unknown
Type of Celebrity: Actor
TMDB Popularity 3.594
Biography (TMDB): Jennifer Susan Leon (born 18 February 1939), better know by her stage name Susan Travers, is a retired British film and television actress. She is the daughter of the actress Linden Travers and the niece of Bill Travers. She is best know for her portrayel of Arlette Van der Valk, the detective's wife, in the series Van der Valk. She is also know for The Avengers (1961) and Danger Man (1960). Travers was married to photographer Cornel Lucas. Her daughter Charlotte Lucas is also an actress. This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply.
Profile Picture
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