Mai Tachihara

Name: Mai Tachihara
Status Alive
Age: 58 (February 16, 1967)
Smoking Status: Unknown
Type of Celebrity: Actor
TMDB Popularity 2.536
Biography (TMDB): Mai Tachihara, born on February 16, 1967, is a Japanese actress and jazz singer known for her dynamic talents. Her birth name is Ritsuko Iwayama. She is affiliated with the agency Friend's List. Hailing from Tokyo, Mai Tachihara's journey into the world of entertainment began at a young age. During her high school years at Kanagawa Prefectural Shichirigahama High School, she was drawn to acting. In 1983, while still in high school, she stood out among 6,108 contestants in the "'83 Toho Film New Star Scout Audition," marking her entry into the entertainment industry. Her involvement in the anime series "Igano Kabamaru," where she voiced the heroine Maiko Okubo, served as the catalyst for adopting the stage name Mai Tachihara. She further honed her skills by graduating from Tamagawa University's Faculty of Literature, majoring in theater arts. Mai Tachihara's acting career flourished over the years, with a notable regular role as one of the lawyers in the television drama "Nananin no Onna Bengoshi" (Seven Female Lawyers) since 1991. Her artistic abilities extend beyond acting, encompassing various talents and interests. She excels in traditional Japanese dance, mastering the art of Nihon Buyo. Additionally, she is skilled in playing the traditional instruments of Wadaiko (Japanese drums) and Nagauta Shamisen. Tachihara's hobbies are equally diverse, including playing the guitar (acoustic, electric, and classical), engaging in boxing, jazz dance, cheer dance, classical ballet, gardening, and DIY projects. Her qualifications span a wide range, from holding a regular driver's license and being a certified cook to achieving second-level certification in the English Language Proficiency Test (Eiken), becoming a Medical Yoga Instructor and a Medical Aroma Instructor, and obtaining the title of Centenarian Advisor, specializing in supporting health and longevity. Mai Tachihara's remarkable journey is a testament to her multifaceted talents and unwavering dedication to both the performing arts and personal growth. (Translated from Japanese Wikipedia Article 立原麻衣)
Profile Picture
Zero Woman: Namae no nai onna
Three or four scenes, two featuring lightups in which she holds the cigarette between her teeth, lights up with a hinge-top lighter, drags, then inhales while still holding in her teeth. Good stuff, although there could have been more, as she sits drinking at a bar in several scenes with a pack and lighter in front of her, but doesn't touch them.
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