Hanne Steen
Name: | Hanne Steen | |
Status | Alive | |
Age: | ||
IMDB: | IMDb | |
TMDB: | TMDB | |
Smoking Status: | Unknown | |
Type of Celebrity: | Actor | |
Rating: | ||
Homepage | ||
TMDB Popularity | 2.801 | |
Biography (TMDB): | She was an American actress in: Measure of measure (2006), Hamlet (2007) and Dread (2009) and some shorts: The Monument (2008), Freakers (2010) and series in the BBC like: My Family (2000 - 2011), Ideal (2005 - 2011), Love Soup (2005 - 2008) Retired from acting and moved to Los Angeles, where she now works as a writer, creative writing teacher, musician, documentary filmmaker and co-founder of multimedia platform Herclayheart. Hanne was a 2014 PEN Emerging Voices Fellow and has been published by the New York Times Magazine, Capricious, Vanity Fair, The Huffington Post, Marie Claire and the Sunday Times Magazine, among others. |
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