Marsha Rossa
Name: | Marsha Rossa | |
Status | Alive | |
Age: | ||
IMDB: | ||
TMDB: | TMDB | |
Smoking Status: | Unknown | |
Type of Celebrity: | Actor | |
Rating: | ||
Homepage | ||
TMDB Popularity | 0.148 | |
Biography (TMDB): |
The good news - practically every female in this film smokes or holds. The bad news - the photography is choppy, being a product of the underground/guerilla filmmaking style of the very late 1960's. Joy Bang (Wener) smokes the most, with lightups, dangling, and holding. She has a couple of decent exhales, but the film's lighting and frantic camerawork are more 'trippy' than polished. The movie is an interesting time capsule, but it is recommended primarily for fans of Joy Bang, who became a popular young actress in the 1970's. She was probably IRL, but isn't really an accomplished smoker here. |
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