Karen Kondazian

Name: Karen Kondazian
Status Alive
Age: 75 (January 27, 1950)
Smoking Status: Unknown
Type of Celebrity: Actor
TMDB Popularity 3.496
Biography (TMDB): Karen Kondazian's career as an actor started at the age of eight when she was chosen to be one of the infamous children on Art Linkletter's "Kids Say the Darndest Things." The opportunity to miss school during tapings was all it took for Karen to abandon her life's goal of becoming a spy and focus on acting. She was born in Boston, attended The University of Vienna and The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, after which she began her acting career in New York.
Profile Picture
Bare Knuckles
Jackson has one lightup scene and one holding scene holding. [Kondazian] also has a lightup scene as well
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