Rinko Kikuchi

Name: Rinko Kikuchi
Status Alive
Age: 44 (January 6, 1981)
Smoking Status: Unknown
Type of Celebrity: Actor
Homepage https://www.rinkokikuchi.com/
TMDB Popularity 23.066
Biography (TMDB): Rinko Kikuchi, born Yuriko Kikuchi, January 6, 1981, is a Japanese actress. Kikuchi is the first Japanese actress to be nominated for an Academy Award in 50 years. She is currently Japan's only living female Academy Award nominee in acting categories. The only other nominee was Miyoshi Umeki, who won the Best Supporting Actress award in 1957 for Sayonara.
Profile Picture
The Brothers Bloom
[Kikuchi] smokes in most of her scenes, plays an explosives expert who doesn't speak. Overall quality is good, a couple good exhales and some dangling.
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