Salma Hayek
Name: | Salma Hayek | |
Status | Alive | |
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Smoking Status: | Unknown | |
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Biography (TMDB): |
Campbell holds using a holder in two scenes and takes one shallow inhale with very little visible exhale in another. Hayek takes two puffs, but doesn't inhale before blowing out the smoke. Stringfield puts a cigarette up to her lips once. Ward takes one good drag with a good exhale, but it's from a joint. Hutton holds in one scene wth a holder. All in all, nothing really worthwhile in this movie. |
In the trailer for this biopic of the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, Hayek, in a close-up profile shot, dangles a cigarette from her lips as a beautifully lit exhale flows from her mouth and nostrils. Looks to have been inhaled, too, a first for her onscreen as far as I've seen. Kahlo herself was a heavy smoker, so let's hope there's more, although that's all I saw. I also caught a brief glimpse of Ashley Judd possibly holding, although I couldn't say for sure. |
A brief scene while reclining in her room, mostly holding. |
Mastroianni smokes in a few early scenes. Around a half dozen inhales with some nice exhales, including nose exhales. Hayek holds briefly in one scene and inhales twice in a later one. Lighting is poor, but it doesn't look like she inhales. Burrows smoke 3 or 4 times, but not too much to see as she's usually in the background. One lightup, a few inhales. |
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