Tiffany Bolling

Name: Tiffany Bolling
Status Alive
Age: 78 (February 6, 1947)
Smoking Status: Unknown
Type of Celebrity: Actor
TMDB Popularity 9.024
Biography (TMDB): Tiffany Bolling (born February 6, 1947) is a retired American actress, model and singer, best known for her appearances in cult movies.
Profile Picture
Bonnie's Kids
She doesn't quite look comfortable, but Tiffany smokes in several scenes. In the first, she somewhat awkwardly accepts a light, but then turns around with a decent nose exhale (probably only visible in the superior DVD transfer of the film). In a couple of later scenes, she has slight exhales in longshot. Toward the end of the film, she has a decent exhale in closeup. Her inhales aren't very deep, although she shows a bit of cheek-hollowing with one or two of them. Overall, a mediocre performance that would probably satisfy her fans, if nobody else.
Wicked, Wicked
Tiffany Bolling smokes in two scenes, with an exhale in the first and an inhale in the second, although she doesn't quite look IRL. Diane McBain has a light-up and one other brief inhale in an earler scene. The problem with this movie is that it was filmed in both widescreen and split-screen, so the images are somewhat hard to see if you don't have at least a fifty inch screen (I don't). Passable, but not a must-see.
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