Talia Balsam

Name: Talia Balsam
Status Alive
Age: 66 (March 5, 1959)
Smoking Status: Unknown
Type of Celebrity: Actor
TMDB Popularity 12.298
Biography (TMDB): Talia Balsam (born March 5, 1959) is an American actress.
Profile Picture
P.I. Private Investigations
Talia (a very pretty brunette (with a kind of Repulican-soccer-mom cut)shows up about a half hour into the flick & then pretty much smokes every time she's on-screen thereafter, which is a lot of the time. I'm guessing 2 lightups, numerous drags & 4 exhales and lots of holding & dangling.
The Cake Eaters
Ashley holds in three scenes, a good inhale, no exhale shown; a dangle and an exhale shot from behind. Balsam holds in one scene
The Wackness
I haven't seen the movie, but the parts that I have seen are quite impressive. Very prolific, and it seems to be filmed that the myriad of women smoking are a focal point of each scene. Thirlby smokes in multiple scenes, both cigarettes and joints. Not only does Thirlby look like a young Parker Posey, her smoking style is similar to Posey's in that a lot of smokes wafts in front of her face right after the exhale. Thirlby also has a good nose exhale and blows a smoke ring in this. Janssen smokes in fewer scenes than Thirlby but still looks good and has some good exhales.
Trust Me
[Bain] Two close-up drags and then later fidgets with her cigarette and black zippo lighter for a long while, but never quite lights up.
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