Sophie Aubry

Name: Sophie Aubry
Status Alive
Age: 51 (February 14, 1974)
Smoking Status: Unknown
Type of Celebrity: Actor
TMDB Popularity 2.776
Biography (TMDB):
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Sophie, a very cute French girl who was 14 or 15 at the time, plays the oldest sibling in a family in which the parents have both died (hence the title of this comedy-drama). Apparently, she is bringing them up with some help from a Nanny or Maid. She smokes quite a few times. In her first scene, she looks a bit awkward, but she's probably playing as if the character is just learning, because her smoking improves considerably as the film continues. She definitely inhales all of her subsequent drags and has a wonderful close-up on the stairs, just after saying to the maid, 'Fumez-moi? Jamais!' (loosely translated - 'Me, smoke? Never!'). She sometimes smokes with a kind of impudent attitude, like when she stubs out her cigarette on the floor of a doctor's office or when she lights up and takes a couple of drags in the middle of a music class before walking out. They don't make films like this anymore ... at least in this country!
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