Lénore Aubert
Name: | Lénore Aubert | |
Status | Alive | |
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Smoking Status: | Unknown | |
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They Got Me Covered
[Lamour] looks stunning as ever!!! Hope However, the film itself only served to frustrate the living hell out of me!! At 15.25 - takes out cigarette and is about to place in lips when camera shot reverts to rear shot from behind her head - shows her dangling, lights a match and holds ready to light....but then Bob says something too her and she extinguishes match before lighting!!!! A few cut scenes later she is shown holding, lit and she looks amazing (sadly holding only though)!!! A few scenes later at 33.54 - she is shown holding a lit cigarette for a about 2.5 mins (she looks great), but sadly again holding only!!! [Aubert] 43.14 - light up, holds for a minute or so. 57.18 - lights up Bob before then lighting her own - holds again for a while |
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